Saturday, November 29, 2008

Away from home for the holidays

I have never been fond of "Family Holidays", then who has, really? I don't know why, but sitting around the table talking about all the stuff that has happened over the past year has never really been appealing to me. I don't know why. I want to care, I really do, I just don't. All I can think about is getting away from my home life for a while and going to relax and see family. When I get there I can't remember why I was so eager to get there. Don't get me wrong I love my family and friends that I share the holiday's with, I just don't know why it has to be ONLY on the holidays. In a perfect world you would see your loved ones whenever you wanted. And when you did not want, you would not see them. Well maybe my world is more perfect than most. I rarely see my side of the family. I enjoy my wife's family and see them as much as is possible. Sure it is not as much as when we were first together/married/happily blessed with child/then children, then who really sees their loved ones as much as they want?

We had to travel about 10 hours to get to Thanksgiving. At the end of that time I was thankful that I had some self control. More so on the way home, than on the way down. I love my kids, but cooped up with a 10 and 7 year old that are either "bored" or "starving" every waking moment of the day, is not much fun. That is, when you have the luxury of going into another room, or even leaving the house it is merely annoying.

When you are cooped up in a 15 square foot area with windows, doors and seat belts. The stereo can't be turned up loud enough to drown out the interment whining about boredom, hunger, space, he has my toy, where is my (whatever)? You get the idea.

So, what is it that am thankful for? After 3 meals in the truck, 12 restroom stops, 29 hours of drive time, almost 1700 miles, and countless "are we there yet?" and other questions. I am thankful that I am home.

Sure one of the dogs decided that the chair in the front room was a chew toy. Yes the kitten/cat is almost unrecognisable. There was no food to eat when we returned home. Yet somehow I am happy to be in my own space.

I enjoyed my holidays. I guess that I have enjoyed all of my holidays, in my own way. Even the ones spent only with roommates and friends. But I think that is what makes them special. You will always spend them with your loved ones no matter where you are in your life.

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