Saturday, September 5, 2009

Another Million Dollar Idea

It hit me when I least expected it.




What the..?



Yeah, sploink. Wanna make something of it?

Make something of it? Was I arguing with myself? Probably.

Since I was sitting alone. No one else could have done that to me. So it had to be me.

But what was I thinking/arguing about? Oh that was it, my million dollar idea wafting in and out of my head.

I was sitting at an eating establishment, by myself, on a high stool, at a tall table. Well they also brew beer there, so I had that going for me. The beer, not so much the high table or the other stuff.

I was looking at the bar and listening, not eavesdropping, to the table that was behind me. It seems that there were problems. I just listened, I wanted to chime in, but common decency and false privacy prohibited me from sharing my opinion.

That is when it hit me.

Have a psychiatrist run the bar. It has long been said that if you want to know about a person, ask their bartender or letter carrier. The letter carrier can only tell you so much, but the bartender gets more and more information as the night goes on, sometimes without provocation.

You could have Psychologists wait the tables. The Psychoanalysts could work as hosts and cooks. I guess that the life therapists/coaches could clean up the mess that was left behind.

Of course there would be records kept and everyone would have to confer with everyone else.

The trouble that I have is, do I charge by the drink/plate or just have an hourly charge? Do I charge more for sitting at the bar? Will there be a bathroom attendant, probably an intern?

Well I guess that I need to flesh this idea out a little more, but it just may fly and be another one of my unrealised Million Dollar Ideas!


Life without Clots said...

boy, the stuff that runs through one's mind after a couple of bacon cupcakes...

terreal said...

Why not! Law Dogs in SoCAL served hot dogs and gave free legal advice - psychiatry and bars should go hand in hand.

And how were those bacon cupcakes????

Adam said...

My question is... Don't you pay for the psychiatric advice through the tip or buying premium at the bar? The only difference is that this doctor can prescribe only one family of psych drugs. Let's push psych offices in bars through Obamacare! What do you think, Doctor?