Friday, April 17, 2009

Phones and hope

Big excitement today.

New phones for the kids.

Soooo many phones, so little in my price range, for the kids that is.

Of course they both gravitated towards the most expensive phone type that they were interested in.

Dexter wanted a Blackberry Storm, just like dad.

Felex wanted a very nice Verizon G'zOne. Looks like it was made by Playskool. You know the company that made weebles? They wobble, but they don't fall down!

When the dust settled. The boys each ended up with a nice CHEAP phone and holster. I know the only reason that the liked the phone cases is because I called them holsters. You know like you would carry a gun in, but this one is for your phone. I know that Dexter will attempt to obtain as many different varieties of holster that are available and try to fill them one day. For now he happy with his phone and his phone holster.

Andrea chose a nice new cover for her Voyager. A cheap attempt to "un-ghetto-ize" her phone.

All I want is some hope that there will soon be a software upgrade for my Storm. The salesman was very nice and gave me a glimmer of hope.

Salesman: Will that do it then?

Me: Well, I do have a Storm. Do you think that they will be coming out with a ...?

Salesman, interrupting: Software upgrade?

Me: Yes, how did you know?

Salesman: I get that question a lot.

Me: So...?

Salesman: I have heard that they will be issuing an upgrade in the next few weeks.

Me: Great. How will I know?

Salesman: It will be automatic.

Me: So I will just one day notice a marked improvement in my phone function and performance?

Salesman: Uh, yeah.

Me: Thanks.

An hour and a half. 2 new phones, a phone cover and hope. All for the low, low price of about $70 after rebates.

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