Monday, April 6, 2009

Interesting journey to the odyssey of the mind

This weekend we took an odyssey. No, not following the epic of Homer. We took a different kind of odyssey.

The odyssey we took was of the mind. Dexter and his team won a spot to go to the state odyssey of the mind. They did a skit/play on superstition. Their superstition, bear in mind that it was 5 boys all in the 5Th grade, if you play a video game too long, you will get sucked into the video game.

Wow, what a great imagination they have. I have never heard of that happening. Of course I am from a different generation and grew up with "Pong" as the dominant video game. I don't think that it was possible to play Pong long enough to get sucked into the game. I usually lasted about 10 minutes.

When we got bored of Pong, we could play hockey or racket ball! Both of which were very cleverly disguised versions of Pong. If you were really feeling cocky you could play on expert level. What that did was instead of giving you a paddle about 6 times bigger than the digital ball, it made it almost the size of the ball. Meaning that made it harder to hit the actual ball as you had to be that much faster and accurate!

Back to the odyssey of the mind. The boys made up the superstition and a play. Some of it made sense, some of it did not. They had everything. Fake backdrop with a clock, a TV, and, I think, some sort of refrigerator looking thing. Lots of action. Lots of mumbling. Lots of laughs.

Although I did not understand some of what they were doing, they did. They did it with such conviction that you almost believed it was a real urban myth!

Of course if it were true, Felex and I would be stuck in Lego Indiana Jones as we played it for 4 days straight after Xboxmas this year.

A good weekend spent with the family. Grandma flew up to join in the fun as well.

An interesting journey to the odyssey of the mind.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

That was a great journey!