Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's the end of the school year as we know it (and I feel fine)

There is a lot of energy in the air lately. I attribute most of it to the excitement that is being generated by the last week of school.

I remember my last weeks of school. No real instruction happening. Just fun and goofing off. Making plans with my friends for swimming, fishing, and dirt bike riding!

Well, not during the summer of '72 as my left leg was in a cast all summer from my Mother's Day accident. The cast went from my hip all the way to my toes. This was to immobilize my ankle. The doctor thought it was best to make it as hard as possible for me to use my leg without crutches, so it could have maximum time to heal. Of course that was the summer that we went all over Oregon and California on vacation and I had to hobble along on my crutches on all the "fun" hikes.

The kids are excited about being out of school and just hanging out. Playing video games, staying up late, sleepovers, and Legos. Lots and lots of Legos.

The big beginning to their summer is a trip to D.C. We have been invited to attend Boeing's anniversary party. There should be a lot of planes and pilots there for Dexter to get to know. Not to mention the flights to and from.

We are also going to a bunch of Museums in the VA., D.C., and MD. area. This will be somewhat of a "learning" vacation. Kind of like a fun summer school, but we can't tell the kids that.

Of course what the kids don't know...

Thanks to REM for the idea for the title.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

Love the post....can't wait to hear the stories from the DC trip and see the pictures. My hope it that Dexter will always remember this adventure! Felex may find this adventure just a bit foggy because of his age, but I'm sure it will come back when the two of them connect years from now with their....remember when stories!