Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Trek (not what you think)

Since I am a "nerd", I had to see the new Star Trek movie.

While I generally don't care for remakes, I do like it when a movie is made of TV shows that I enjoyed, either as a child or an adult.

Growing up in rural Oregon, we had 4 TV channels. One of them ran Star Trek every day of the week. On weekends we were treated to two episodes in a row, instead of the sparsely doled out singular episode week days.

I didn't really get into all the other variations of "Trek*", but I would watch them, IF there was absolutely nothing else on and I couldn't go to sleep. Although I have to admit that I did watch "TNG**" for a couple of years. I had to quit because I went into the Navy and did not get the luxury of the "boob toob" for about 4 months. After that, it didn't seem to matter.

I don't think that I would consider myself a "Trekker or Trekkie***", I consider myself a loyal fan. I enjoy most Science Fiction and some Sci-Fi, yuk yuk!

I think that this was one of the best adaptations that I have seen. They used a lot of the familiar quotes, phrases, terms and stereotypes****.

I liked it better than another recent TV to big screen movie I saw. I enjoyed Get Smart, but there wasn't enough of the "smart" dialog carry over from the series for me.

I like the idea of seeing the first movie in the series first. I am sure that there will be more Star Trek movies. I look forward to them, in the order they occur. I think that you know what I am talking about Mr Lucas. I enjoyed your movies as well, but I think my life would have been just as happy without the 3 prequals, not too mention I would have been about $25 bucks richer.

I've seen it twice now. Once by myself and once with the kids. I enjoyed it both times. They both enjoyed it, the first time.

Just so you know, in case you don't;
* Star Trek; The Next Generation (TNG), Star Trek; Deep Space Nine (DS9), Star Trek; Voyager (Voyager) Also Star Trek; The Animated Series (TAS, which I had to watch as we only had cartoons on Saturday morning back when I was a kid.) There are more movies and I think, another series, but this is most of the TV stuff.
**TNG- See * above
***Trekker/Trekkie/Trekking- I don't even know where to begin here. It is like a gang mentality when you mention one and not the other. Not to mention the riots that erupt at Science Fiction conventions when you choose one side over the other. Although, like chocolate, I don't believe there is a bad side. Look it up on Wiki.
****You've heard them. "I'm given' her all she's got", "live long and prosper", "I'm a doctor, not a (fill in the blank)". Aside from the familiar banter there was also the stereotypical; Kirk kissing a green woman, Kirk, Sulu, and unknown crew member leave the ship-unknown crew member dies.

I liked the instant familiarity the film gave me with the connection to my childhood days of watching it after school. It seemed like a logical choice for a movie ;)

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