Friday, December 26, 2008


It has been a bad year for the animals at our house. We lost 2 cats and the day after Christmas a finch.

I think that the finch has been the hardest lesson on "life" for a 7 and 10 year old.

At least the cats would let you pet them occasionally, when they wanted you to. The really loved it when you gave them food and water. Occasionally they would show their appreciation with the offering of a dead rodent or other animal at the front door. Usually first thing in the morning. Always a treat.

The finch, I am not convinced even liked us. It seemed to me that they would be scared near death every time you put food or water in the cage.

Just the same, the boys loved their finches. As they unconditionally love all the animals in the house.

Well, maybe Dex doesn't always love Sheeba, but we all have those times when it is hard to love an animal that has just chewed up your prize toy jet. Well one of them anyway since they are all a prize.

Well today Hornet was not looking too well. A few hours later we took the cage out for cleaning and Hornet was no longer with us.

The boys are devastated. They have made a nice little coffin with some of Hornets favorite things. An orange, some millet, and Dex's lucky key. I don't know where it came from, but it was lucky for him and now it will be lucky for Hornet. They have a wonderful head stone/plank that will serve as a reminder to all that miss Hornet.

Farewell Hornet, we hardly knew ye.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

I love that you can always find humor in living....or dying. At school Sheryl and I got to the place where our classroom pets..frogs, mice, chickens,etc. went unnamed because if we gave them a name and they died we had to have a funeral complete with coffin and "Amazing Grace"....