Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Xboxmas

Christmas came and went with a dull roar. Many happy expressions and packages were opened. We carefully picked the order the kids opened their packages. You know, from small to BIG!

We knew that the XBOX would be a huge hit. We knew that the snap-tite model would be a huge hit. We knew that the skateboard would be a huge hit. We were not expecting the Mexican Coke(you know the one that actually uses real "sugar", the kind they don't sell to large corporations here in states anymore? At least I assume they don't as most larger corporations don't use it in their products. Oops, I'm ranting....) anyway, the Mexican Coke was as huge a hit as the XBOX. Mild surprise. They wanted Coke before video games. Huh. Whatever.

The next 4 days was spent relaxed attempting to beat one of the video games. Felex and I logged at least 40 hours playing Lego Indiana Jones. We were very dedicated. Only sleeping and eating when absolutely necessary. We beat it and now we are waiting for more sequels.

Get busy Spielberg!

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